Saturday 3 April 2010

Ten Days on the Island

Met Lizzi Nichol from Perth (Scotland) for dinner and had a great chat about all things related to home and Tasmania.  Lizzi is here on a two year contract working for tendaysontheisland and previously ran the Federation of Scottish Theatres (FST). A good move it sounds like for Lizzi!

Tendaysontheisland is Australia’s only state-wide biennial arts festival, tendays is renowned for its rich programme across  a wide  range of artforms  and for the uniqueness of venues across Tasmania.  As well as working with artists from islands across the globe, tendays commissions some of Tasmania’s finest resident artists to produce new work.

Lizzi is off learning to surf this morning - sounds like a perfect work life balance to me!

Celebrating art and the inspiration of our island homes 

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