Wednesday 31 March 2010


Do you know I walked over the Tasman sea today, today of all was absolutely beautiful. Actually it was the Tasman Bridge from Rosny to Hobart and the Botanic Gardens. Brian West - Head of Performing Arts - is an outstanding example of someone with huge experience who has used that to create a second to none resource for 1200 year 11/12 students (S5/6 pupils) in performing arts in Rosny College.

This must be industry standard equipment in recording, editing, mixing, playing, teaching, facilitating and general aspiration for young people. From the 20+ schools that go up to year 10 (S4), there are 5 Colleges in Hobart that take all pupils year 11/12 (S5/6)that want to continue their studies. 200 areas of study available in Rosny for 1200 is phenomenal...the timetabler must be a shadow of a person trying to capture all that....however what they do offer in performing arts is world class, aspirational and highly professional.

The dance department is equally impressive with Debs as sole teacher with huge expertise in a range of dance forms. Looking forward to the performance in Salamanca on 11 April.

I have come away with a sense of hard graft, commitment, ambition and professional pride .... long may it continue and my hearty congratulations to Brian and his team who have professionalised their practice for all to enjoy and benefit from.

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